Southern Water Partnership

Young Pollinators are pleased to announce that they will be teaming up with staff at Southern Water over the next 18 months to help the group grow and to reach their full potential.
The award is a £10,000 donation alongside support through Southern Water employee volunteering, expertise sharing and partnership opportunities over the duration of the partnership. 
The young people involved will be shaping the project themselves and have so far agreed that they would like to have a varied programme of activities ranging from digital skills, outdoor activities, real world experiences, and practical skills. The first activities will involve the creation of a dedicated website and introduction video.
You can find out more about the partnership HERE.

Young Pollinators

In August 2022 the teenagers attending the first Young Pollinators meet up put together a funding application and very soon afterwards found out they were successful!

So, now they have arranged to have weekly face to face sessions, every Saturday, and the Community Supporters Eo Hub in Bexhill.

Planned activities for the future months include candle making, glass blowing, a virtual underwater experience, a presentation at this years Oceans Symposium conference, and more.

To find out more about the group, or to join in, please contact us.

CREST Awards

A group of Young Pollinators created this presentation about bees as part of their Bronze CREST Award, an industry recognised qualification.

Since creating the slideshow it has been presented, by the group, to both Rother District Council and the UNA Biodiversity & Climate Crisis Summit – on the Road to COP26.

Young Pollinators Funding Bid

Our Young Pollinator crew recently submitted their first funding bid to enable them to undertake activities and events.

After only a couple of days we had heard they were successful, HORRAY!!

Now it’s full steam ahead picking their first activity, watch this space.

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