About the Charity

Community Supporters is an environmental education charity based in Rother (registration number 1195006). The charity’s aims are to advance the education of environmental protection and the natural environment, and to promote conservation protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment for public benefit.

We received our charity number in June 2021 and since that have been involved in many activities and projects including – co-hosting, along with the United Nations Association Climate & Oceans, several online webinars about COP26 and the 2021 IPPC report, held many public events and activities, opened an eco/activity hub, and are currently fundraising to install an access ramp and beach garden on Bexhill beach at West Parade.

Latest News

Community Survey 2023

Community Supporters is a charity serving coastal communities in East Sussex. Our mission is to create sustainable solutions for improving physical and mental health, increasing accessibility and communication, offering skills training/qualification signposting, as well as fostering greater community cohesion.
Each year we run a month long community survey to hear what matters to you most. This information helps us focus and shape our work for the next 12 months.

Below are the results of our most recent community survey.

Community Survey results

To see the survey results from previous years please click on the text links.

Eco Hub Gets a boost

Community Supporters has recently received news that we’re being supported by the National Lottery Community Fund to ensure the Eco Hub remains open and can offer a full range of activities for a full 12 month period.
This news means our lease is secure until the 30th April 2024.
Throughout this time we will be holding a wide range of activities within the hub as well as continuing to offer a range of sustainable products such as reusable tea bags, compostable sponges, our very popular shampoo bars, and more. Our regular sessions such as knit and natter, repair cafe, and Young Pollinators will also continue, but we’ll also be able to offer more single session workshops such as bird box making, screenprinting, and soon we’ll be arranging a solar panel making workshop. Watch this space!!!

We’d also love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for activities, so please get in touch via the contact us page, or simply pop into the hub in Bexhill to say hello.

Eco/Acticity Hub

On the 10th of September 2022 we opened the first of hopefully several Eco Hubs across the Rother District.

This is a relaxed community space where people are welcome to pop in for a chat or a space to create. We are open to all ages and abilities and offer a wide range of environmentally focused activities to try including, textile repurposing, making solar powered wooden toys, paper making, plastic bottle recycling, sewing, woodwork, and much more.

The hub has group sessions including a repair cafe, knitting groups, craft workshops, demonstrations, Young Pollinators, and a health hub. We also offer low cost room hire for groups wanting workshop space.

For a full break down of workshops each month please visit our Events or Facebook page.

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Support us through the Rother Community Lottery scheme

You can now support our charity directly through the Rother Community Lottery. Buy your ticket today and 60% of ticket sales and 60p from every £1 goes directly to good causes like ours.

The best bit is that you don’t even have to be a Rother resident to get involved, so please share and invite all your friends and family.

Your help will support us to develop an outdoor nature education facility, an Eco Hub (environmentally sustainable community centre), and support numerous projects across the Rother District, including accessibility, litter picking, and tree planting.
